From hereon out registered members will be addressed as "The Clients" and Bitcoin Blockchain Network Services will be addressed as "The Company". The website will be addressed as "The Platform".
I. Registration and Membership
Qualification for registration is based on your legal age. Only 18 years old and above will be allowed to register. While "The Company" does not oversee nor require your date of birth on registration on "The Platform", it is required that "The Clients" be at least of legal age before continuing with registration.
It is the sole responsibility of "The Clients" to ensure that such registration on similar services as ours be legal in the area of residency. We are not in any way limiting the availability of "The Platform" to "The Clients". "The Platform" is accessible from all parts of the world except for those which we may deem disqualified based on the activities of such guests or members who may have malicious intent with "The Platform" and of "The Company".
"The Clients" can own up to 3 accounts legally within "The Platform". It is comprehensible that some of our clients may want to separate cooperative accounts or accounts owned by a group of 2 or more people in a group.
II. Termination of Registration
"The Company" reserves the right to cancel, terminate, delete or suspend an account that are found to be causing harm to fellow clients and those who are directly or indirectly harming "The Platform" and or "The Company".
"The Clients" have every right to voluntarily request for their accounts to be cancelled or deleted from our database. If such is the case of voluntary cancellation, the user can register for an account again in the future when or if he or she would like to register again.
When an account is terminated, cancelled, deleted or suspended involuntarily, the account including its balances will also be cancelled, deleted and forfeited. Such balance will go towards our marketing funds and will be spent on behalf of "The Company".
III. Use of Material on the Website
All registered users and non registered users may use any content seen on our website freely for whatever purposes that are of positive in nature. We require that should anyone use text content from "The Platform", that they constantly check "The Platform" for possible updates and changes and thus requiring said users to update the content they used on whichever other online resource they may have posted such information.
Should affiliates use the marketing materials we have, such as banners, please use the proper links for the purpose of accuracy. We may, from time to time update the design and text on our banners and therefore, linking to our banners is always a good idea.
IV. Disclaimer of Liability
"The Company" will not be responsible for losses incurred via account hijacking or hacking of "The Clients" The accounts, once registered are in an encrypted database that the only people who can access your account are those who know your password and those who may have access to your e-mail address(*if PIN is enabled) or your Two Factor Authentication codes (*if 2FA is enabled). So the account owner is responsible for the accounts registered on "The Platform".
"The Company" is only responsible for losses incurred when downtime occurs on "The Platform" due to circumstances that are uncontrollable in nature. "The Platform" is protected by a solid firewall combined with CloudFlare DDOS Protection services where another firewall with specific firewall rules are in place and are running.
V. Data Protection Policy
"The Company" only stores your e-mail address, your name, your username, and your payment accounts information on "The Platform". This information will remain only to be used by the company for valid and reasonable purposes such as communication between "The Clients" and "The Company".
Information whatsoever will not be shared to any other company, period.
VI. Finance and Accounting
"The Platform" is equipped with a detailed and sophisticated account and transaction management software where you can easily trace and tally your transactions with "The Company". 99.99% of the information you see on your account should be accurate. We do not dismiss the fact that sometimes confusions happen and should such incident happens, please be advised that contacting our support team should be the first order of business for "The Clients".
It is to be understood that we only accept the following payment methods when depositing funds in your account with us.
a. Bitcoin
b. Ethereum
c. Litecoin
d. Bitcoin Cash
e. Dash
f. Doge
g. Perfect Money
h. Payeer
If you want to make a deposit and you do not have any of the above accounts, please be advised that you will need to have at least one (1) of the payment methods we accept in order to participate in any of the plans on "The Platform".
"The Clients" are not required to use every single one of the payment methods we accept, but they are free to utilise and use more than one (1) payment method in transacting on "The Platform" for deposits.
Incoming transactions have their own posting and maturity date and time. Each has its own payment method type and all transactions and histories such as earnings and commissions will be of the same payment method type of the origin or source of incoming transaction type.
Conversion to other payment method from the original source shall be made available only on certain situations under the discretion of "The Company". Not all requests for conversion will be granted and approved.
Incoming transactions or "Deposits" posting time or activation, varies per payment method type. For a more detailed reference, please refer to the following:
a. Bitcoin requires 3 blockchain network confirmations before getting activated on your account.
b. Ethereum requires 3 etherscan network confirmations before getting activated on your account.
c. Litecoin requires 3 blockcypher network confirmations before getting activated on your account.
d. Bitcoin Cash requires 3 blockchain network confirmations before getting activated on your account.
e. Dash requires 3 blockcypher network confirmations before getting activated on your account.
f. Doge requires 3 dogechain network confirmations before getting activated on your account.
g. Perfect Money incoming transactions are instantly added upon transfer.
h. Payeer incoming transactions are instantly added upon transfer.
The minimal amount of incoming transaction is dependent on the plan selected. The 3.00% daily for 45 days plan has a minimum required deposit of $25.00 while the other 2 plans we offer only require $10.00 as the minimal transaction we can receive.
"The Platform" uses the real-time value in US Dollar as the conversion rate for both incoming and outgoing transactions. When making a minimal transfer to fund your selected plan, it is suggested that you transfer an amount at least 1 or 2 dollars higher than the minimal deposit for the chosen plan to ensure that whether the US Dollar conversion rate for the selected payment method (applicable only for cryptocurrency transfers) goes higher or lower, that the transfer will be posted on the selected plan accordingly. Should the rate be lower and your transfer becomes less than the minimal amount per plan upon the 3rd confirmation, the amount will be credited to your account balance instead and not activated on a plan.
To resolve such matter, you can make another transaction using the same cryptocurrency type to fund your account by trying to make a deposit transaction again but this time just sending an amount smaller or lower than the minimum for the selected plan , and this too will be credited to your account balance. From your account balance, you can then make a deposit to the selected plan and it should instantly be activated.
Outgoing transactions or payments made by "The Company" upon the request of the "The Clients" are manually processed by our staff. Processing or completion time depends on availability of the staff assigned to process such transactions. These transactions can take anywhere from 30 minutes up to 36 hours to process.
VII. Affiliate Program
"The Platform" offers an affiliate program that has three (3) levels. Each level has a different referral commission rate.
Level 1 referrals or direct referrals are those who sign up under your referral link directly. These direct referrals, when they deposit to any plan, should earn you 7% of their gross deposited amount.
Level 2 referrals or those referred by your direct level 1 referrals will earn you 2% of their gross deposited amount.
Level 3 referrals or those referred by your level 2 referrals will earn you 1% of their gross deposited amount.
Please be advised that commissions will only be credited to your account when the transaction is from a fresh deposit or incoming transaction from the payment method types we accept. Deposits from account balance will not credit users with referral commissions.
All registered users on "The Platform" are qualified to earn commissions with or without an active deposit on their accounts exactly like those of users with active deposits.
VIII. Complaints and Disputes
All complaints are to be discussed privately and be investigated for validity properly before complainant brings the matter to the public attention. Should a complaint be a simple and be an oversight and user involved brings it to the attention of the public whether intentional or not, the account involved shall be put in suspended status until investigation is completed.
It is advised that such matter be resolved through contacting our support team for proper guidance and resolution.
*** This terms and conditions page has been updated on June 15, 2020 ***